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nz_convert_points_df_to_dggs: Convert Point to DGGS


Converts a set of x and y coordinates to DGGS data model.


nz_convert_points_df_to_dggs(lat, lon, tid, res, df, save_in)


Argument Description
lat y coordinates of the points (EPSG:4326)
lon x coordinates of the points (EPSG:4326)
tid TID value, A single integer for all data or a list of integer values
res Resolution of the final dggs cells, a single integer value or a list of integer values
df A dataframe of keys. The number of rows of this dataframe must be equal to the lat,lon rows
save_in the directory to store outpur csv files. make sure that this directory exist, you have write permission and engough disc space


Data are stored in save_in directory The csv files are per each key.


 r <- read.csv('D:/Bathurst_caribou_collars.csv')

Last update: August 28, 2020